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Artman, Amy Collier. “Oprah: The gospel of an icon.” The Journal of religion 92 (2012): 320-321. Web. 2 October. 2013.


This source will be used to reference the use of the good news or 'gospel' according to Oprah. It will also be referenced to show Oprah as the most powerful arbiter of consumer religion.

Briggs, David. “In age of Oprah, belief in miracles rises.” Christian Century 130 (2013): 15-16. Web.  3 Oct. 2013.


This source will be referenced to show that the amount of Americans believing in religious miracles has highly increased since the age of Oprah, yet the amount of Americans with no religious affiliations has not. 

Dougherty, Kevin D.  “A Religious Profile of American Entrepreneurs.” Journal for the scientific study of religion 52 (2013): 401-404. Web. 5 Oct. 2013.


This article will be referenced because of its information on Oprah’s power and influence as a woman entrepreneur.

Fairchild, Mary. “The 12 Apostles.” Web. 28 Sept. 2013.

This source will be referenced in order to talk about Jesus's disciples and compare them to Oprah's advisers or 'disciples.

Foot, Richard. "Pop Culture Preaching: Innovative Pastors use TV and Film to Fuel Faith Series: Religion's New Frontiers. CanWest News 1(2006) Web. 8 Oct. 2013.


This will be referenced for its information on how Oprah is sometimes referred to as “The Church of Oprah.” It will also reference her use of mass media to spread her word and how some fans say she has a bigger impact on their lives then their actual religion. It shows how Oprah is a powerful spiritual leader.

Gospel Faith. “Oprah Winfrey Professes her Faith in Jesus Christ.” Online video clip. Youtube. YouTube, 22 Apr. 2006. Web. 7 Oct. 2013.


This source will be referenced to demonstrate Oprah’s strong sense of faith in Jesus and how she is proud of showing it to her fans.

Lyons, Margaret. “Oprah is basically God now.”, 22 Apr. 2011. Web. 8 Oct. 2013.

This site will be referenced to show and compare Oprah’s influence on Americans to that of Gods influence on America.

Mattingly, Terry. Pop Goes Religion. Bristish Colombia: W Publishing Group, 2005. Print.


This source will be referenced to show how Oprah embraces her Christian faith and how she goes out of her way to talk about god's love for everyone or to say she is a Christian. This also talks about her powerful form of television that addresses important public issues.

McClay, Wilfred M., and Rob Day. "Honoring Faith In The Public Square: Let's Be Frank: Religion In America Really Does Enjoy 'Special Privileges.' Here Are Five Reasons--Plus One--Why It Should." Christianity Today 56.10 (2012): 24-29. Web. 1 October.2013.


This article will be referenced to display the aspects of power and privilege of religion in America.

Mitchell, John. “Yale Professor Believes Oprah Winfrey Is a Religious Icon.” 22 Apr. 2011. Web. 9 Oct. 2013.

This site will be referenced to show the belief among other educated professionals that she is in fact an influential religious icon.

Opinion L.A. “Observations and Provocations from the Times’ Opinion Staff.” Los Angeles Times. 25 May. 2011. Web. 5 Oct. 2013.


This source will be used to reference the end of 25 years of Oprah. It shows that a strong majority of her fans are white women over the age of 55 and discusses the reasons for this.

Possamai, Adam. Religion and Popular Culture. Brussels: P.I.E. - Peter Lang, 2005. Print.  


This source will be referenced to talk about Oprah as a promoter of self-help, improvement and self-transformation, particularly towards a female audience. This also shows her dedication to women empowerment.

Reimarus ,Herman Samuel. The Goal of Jesus and His Disciples. Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1970. Print.

I will use this text to reference Jesus's life and the life of his disciples and compare them to Oprah's advisers or 'disciples'.

Ryan, Erin Gloria. “The Cult of Oprah.”, 29 Apr. 2011. Web.  9 Oct. 2013.


This site will be used to show Oprah as a strong leader and also to show how dependent her fans are on her show for support, advice and life decisions. It will also be used to show how she seems to have a cult like following, particularly among women.

The Oprah Winfrey Network. “ 9 Ways to become more Spiritual- Super Soul Sunday.” Online video clip.  Youtube. YouTube, 22 Apr. 2006 Web. 22 Sept. 2013.

           This clip is used to show how Oprah encourages spirituality and religion among her fans.

Wallis, Jim. "A New Faith Coalition." Sojourners 38.1 (2009): 5-6. Humanities Source. Web. 10 Oct. 2013.

          This article will be referenced because it talks about the power of African American leaders and their effect on people living in poverty.


Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 22 July 2004. Web. 29 Sept. 2013.

           Wikipedia will be used to reference Oprah's history and life story and how she came to fame.

Whitehead, Andrew L.1. "Gendered Organizations And Inequality Regimes: Gender, Homosexuality, And Inequality Within Religious Congregations." Journal For The Scientific Study Of Religion 52.3 (2013): 476-493. Humanities Source. Web. 10 Oct. 2013.

           This source will be used to discuss how homosexuality is a sin in many religions and compared to Oprah who embraces homosexuality and is all inclusive with her acceptance.

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