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Oprah, like Jesus, is an extremely popular and iconic figure in the world today. The biggest similarites between Oprah and Jesus are their influence on the world. Jesus was a man of immense compassion and kindness. He healed the sick and always helped the poor. Today he is seen as a symbol of the divine. Oprah Winfrey was born into a poor family. She had a difficult childhood, was raped and abused. She was later sent to live with her biological father in Chicago and ended up becoming a radio host. (Wikipedia) Oprah is a self-made woman who has a real rags to riches story that appeals to a broad audience. Like Jesus, she promotes peace, love and kindness. Like Jesus, she is proud of her faith in God and makes it well known to her audience. She has a column on her webpage called "Spirituality" and emphasises its importance to her viewers.

Many scholars believe Oprah is very similar to God and has developped a god-like following. She is an all- powerful, highly influential being who essentially tells people how to live their lives.  She is constantly talking about the power of 'You!' and ways to become more spiritual.


Below is an example of the emphasis Oprah puts on Spirituality. It is a clip from her SUPERSOULSUNDAY where she meets up with a team to discuss nine ways to become more spiritual.

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